Various shrubs - ideal for a hedge

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
10 Best Shrubs for Landscape Hedges 🌲 Shrubs for Making Hedges 🌳
Video: 10 Best Shrubs for Landscape Hedges 🌲 Shrubs for Making Hedges 🌳


The boxwood is ideal as a hedge

Various shrubs - ideal for a hedge

Hedges are not only a beautiful sight in the garden, they also provide important habitat for birds, insects or hedgehogs. For that, planting native shrubs is recommended. Exotic shrubs rarely serve as a food source.

Which shrubs are suitable for a hedge?

A hedge can be planted from a variety of shrubs. As you wish, you can design an evergreen or flowering hedge. You are equally free in the choice of the desired stature height. For all requirements there are suitable types of shrubs. So you can combine to your heart's content. For example, a sweet tooth with edible fruits is also interesting.

Small selection of shrubs for a hedge:

What should I pay attention to when choosing plants?

So that your hedge is easy to care for and grows well, you should select shrubs that have the same or at least similar requirements on the location and the soil. Above all, the following things are important: light or shade, water and nutrient requirements, lime and cut compatibility. In addition, the selected shrubs should harmonize in terms of size growth and planting distance.

If you want to combine flowering shrubs, then pay attention to a harmonious color choice. Tone-in-tone is possible as well as a collection of different colors. But do not choose more than three, otherwise the hedge will be too colorful, which looks rather chaotic. Also in the foliage coloring variations are possible.

How do I cut a hedge with different shrubs?

Ideally, all shrubs in your hedge are pruned at the same time, either in spring or fall. If you have planted flowering shrubs, then make sure that they bloom on old or young (this year) wood. In case of a wrong cut, the flower may fail.


If you would like to plant different shrubs in a hedge, then pay attention to similar location and care conditions. It is also important the cut compatibility and the time for cutting.