Cola for removing moss in the garden

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
The Garden Gurus - Removing Moss from Pavers
Video: The Garden Gurus - Removing Moss from Pavers


The corrosive phosphoric acid in the cola makes it a good home remedy for moss

Cola for removing moss in the garden

Moss can look very decorative on walls and sidewalks. Most of the moss growth is not desirable. Garden paths can become slippery and garden furniture unusable. A simple home remedy for removing moss is cola. How to combat moss coats with cola.

Remove moss with cola from walls and sidewalks

Cola contains, among other things, phosphoric acid. This is a good moss remover and keeps the surfaces moss-free for a long time afterwards. In contrast to commercially available moss removers, cola is non-toxic and can therefore also be used in organic farming.

Even if cola contains dyes, stones and furniture will not discolour if you remove moss with the popular drink. The concentration of the dyes is too low to cause discoloration.

However, cola is only suitable to rid small areas - preferably joints - of moss. For large-scale moss removal, other measures such as scarifying the lawn or cutting off walls are more suitable. Walkway joints can be overcome with special joint scratches.

How to remove moss with cola

Coke unfortunately also contains a lot of sugar. The treated areas therefore become very sticky. Not only with garden furniture, on paths and washed concrete slabs is not desired. Therefore clean all surfaces with clean water or a mild detergent.

If you have used Coke for the removal of moss in joints, you should sprinkle it with sand. This prevents renewed moss formation.

Not suitable for large areas

Cola must be used undiluted, otherwise the concentration of phosphoric acid is too low. Therefore, this home remedy is not suitable for the removal of large moss areas. Only poorly accessible places or small moss coverings should be treated with cola.

The amounts of coke required for large areas are not only relatively expensive, the drink also contains a lot of sugar. This should not penetrate too much into the garden soil.


For the removal of large moss infestation on wall joints, a high-pressure cleaner is suitable. However, it must be used carefully so that the moss does not discolor the walls.