Dried mulberries - versatile

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Make Blackberry Powder from Dehydrated Blackberries (freeze dried would work, too!)
Video: How to Make Blackberry Powder from Dehydrated Blackberries (freeze dried would work, too!)


Dried mulberries - versatile

By drying you can extend the durability of your mulberries significantly. They are versatile in this way and are available at all times. Drying is easy if you follow a few simple rules.

What you can do with mulberries

Mulberries can not only be processed into jam, juice and jelly or frozen, they can also be dried very well. Dried mulberries are very long-lasting and taste great in the morning cereal. When drying, they lose their intense color and become relatively firm. Their appearance is similar to raisins, but their taste is much more fruity. Black mulberries are less sweet than red or mulberries.

For example, you can dry mulberries in the fresh air or in the oven. However, drying in the air is seldom possible in our latitudes, which means it has to be warm and very dry. If the humidity is too high, the dry matter will become moldy. If you often want to dry fruit and vegetables, then it may be worth buying a dehydrator.

How to properly dry mulberries

The preparation:

Drying in the oven:

The air drying

Tips & Tricks

Dried mulberries can be kept for a very long time, but only when the fruits have dried completely and are stored airtight. If the humidity is too high, they start to mold easily.