Is the snapdragon toxic?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Toxic Masculinity Compilation (High Guardian Spice)
Video: Toxic Masculinity Compilation (High Guardian Spice)


The delicate flowers of the snapdrag can be eaten

Is the snapdragon toxic?

The Löwenmäulchen is one of the classics in the Bauerngarten. The wonderfully colorful flowers, the unpretentious and easy-care properties as well as the long flowering period certainly contribute to this. If they have small children or pets, as with all other plants cultivated in the garden, the question arises: Is the snapdragon a poisonous plant or are the small garden beauties perhaps even edible?

Next article Which location does the Snapdragon prefer?

Snapdragon flowers, a delicious treat

The snapdragon is completely non-toxic, so that there is no danger for the consumption of small children and animals. On the contrary, the pretty flowers are extremely attractive and also very healthy. They contain valuable ingredients like:

Taste of the flowers

Snapdragon flowers taste pleasantly aromatic sweet. Thus, they fit perfectly with all desserts, desserts and summer salads.

How are the flowers collected?

So you can be sure that the flowers are free from pollutants and sprays, you should only collect them in your own garden. Of course, you should not have used any insecticides or herbicides here. You can also be sure that you do not mistakenly mistake the plant for a flower with non-edible flowers.

Processing of the flowers


So that the snapdragon mounts many flowers you should put it in a sunny spot. Here it blooms all summer long into October.