Multiply hydrangeas by sharing

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
16 Hardy Hydrangea Varieties πŸŒΏπŸ’œ// Garden Answer
Video: 16 Hardy Hydrangea Varieties πŸŒΏπŸ’œ// Garden Answer


The hydrangeas should be of sufficient size for sharing

Multiply hydrangeas by sharing

Over the years, hydrangeas can develop into powerful bushes that take up a lot of space in the garden. Then it may be necessary to dig up and divide the plant. With our instructions, this little strength act guaranteed guaranteed and you can soon enjoy two beautiful flowering hydrangea bushes.

When may be shared?

Preferably, you should divide the hydrangea during the dormancy, as you can shorten the shrub by a good third at this time without the plant to weaken too much. By this measure, the hydrangea is also easier to transport because disturbing branches and a lot of weight of the scissors have fallen victim.

A good time to share the hydrangea is therefore autumn, after the hydrangea has dropped the foliage. Even in early spring you can still share the hydrangea. However, she will then use all her strength to form new roots and therefore will not flower in the year after the division.

Dig up hydrangea

Follow these steps:

Share rhizome

Depending on the size of the root system, you can now divide the plant into two or three sections. Unlike many other shrubs and shrubs, this does not succeed with the spade or the grave fork. The hydrangea forms a very hard root center piece, which can be divided only with a saw.

So that the hydrangea root takes no damage in this care measure, the saw should be very clean and if possible even disinfected. After sawing it is recommended to dust the wound with some charcoal. Wrap the rootstock firmly in burlap and transport the hydrangea to its new location.

Inserting the hydrangea

The new planting hole must be significantly larger than the root system. When planting very large specimens, it is helpful if a second person straightens the hydrangea while filling the plant hole with soil. Soak up the floor and soak in the hydrangea.

Tips & Tricks

Hydrangeas are among the bog plants. Therefore, use the split hydrangea preferably in special hydrangea soil. Alternatively, rhododendron or azalea substrate is suitable.