Planting peppers properly - that's how it works

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting peppers properly - that's how it works - Garden
Planting peppers properly - that's how it works - Garden


Planting peppers properly - that's how it works

Peppers are among the vegetables with the highest vitamin C content. This usually only applies to organically planted peppers. In addition, full organic pods are expensive. Here every Paprikaliebhaber finds the right sharpness. Planting peppers is worthwhile and not difficult.

How do pepper plants thrive best?

If you want to plant your own peppers, you can grow young plants outdoors from mid-May, or you can pull peppers on the windowsill in March. Are they about 10 centimeters high, pique the peppers and plant individually in pots.

Do not plant peppers too early in the garden or on the balcony. They are very sensitive to frost and react with growth stop to cold. Slowly get used to the outside temperatures. From the end of April, the plants can go into the greenhouse or from mid-May in the field.

Which location do peppers want?

The alpha and omega of pepper cultivation is the location. Therefore check in good time before planting the peppers in the garden if the planned location meets the requirements of the selected pepper variety. Before planting peppers in the garden, check that the optimal planting distance is available.

Sowing and planting peppers - what should be considered?

Peppers need more space, heat and light than other fruit vegetables. Only at temperatures of 25 ° degrees germinate and thrive young plants. Sowing peppers before the beginning of March is not worth it. Correct timing is therefore important. Ideal soil conditions are also crucial for a healthy, lush harvest. Paprika as a fruit or vegetable prefer a slightly acidic to neutral, sandy loose soil. Enriched with compost and some ground rock meal. Plant the plants in the compost.

Does an early preculture keep its promises?

At the right time, the preference of paprika offers several advantages. The plants start earlier blooms and deliver faster ripe pods. In addition, the paprika seedlings are protected from wind, weather and snail attacks.

Also transplant peppers in between

If the young plants are too big for the seed cups, keep potting them in larger pots. Even if the temperatures for the field are still too cool. Keep the pots warm and put them in a sunny window seat. Pay attention to sufficient drainage.

The best planters for peppers for free

Simple bamboo sticks or long-lasting metal planting rods that are made quite simply or playfully as ornamental plant rods, keep the plants stable. Depending on their size, peppers attached to bamboo sticks provide a lively summer shelter on the balcony. The best chili planting rods for free are on New Year's Day. Simply collect the wooden stalks from the New Year's Eve rockets and use them as planting rods.

Turn 1 into 2 with seeds or cuttings?

To multiply peppers simply remove the seeds from fully ripe red pods, dry and sow from March. Sow in a mini greenhouse to germinate on a window sill. So you can pull peppers yourself. Or cut from existing plants about 10 centimeters large head cuttings. Remove most of the foliage and place in water or potting soil. Important: Cuttings rooted only at a soil temperature of 25 degrees after 3 to 4 weeks. In order to continue to successfully breed the peppers, the temperature must not be below 22 degrees.

How do you recognize fully ripe peppers?

The first peppers can be harvested from July when the fruits have reached the desired color. Green pods mature in about 3 weeks. Cut pods with scissors or knife on a stick. Harvest the last peppers before the first frost. Regular harvest promotes fruiting on the side shoots.

Good and bad neighbors with peppers

Combine borage and tagetes with peppers. These attract many insects for pollination. Scented herbs such as basil, thyme, onions keep pests away.

Good neighbors for peppers: peas, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant and zucchini.
The high-consuming pepper may only be planted in the same location every 3 years.

Tips & Tricks

Always wear gloves when working with peppers and chili and avoid contact between hands and eyes! Capsaicin can cause painful irritation!