A living fence as privacy: ecological and attractive

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Create A Natural Privacy Wall FAST.
Video: How To Create A Natural Privacy Wall FAST.


Bamboo quickly forms dense hedges

A living fence as privacy: ecological and attractive

Since residential buildings are usually not far apart these days, the desire for a little privacy in the garden results in the need for a sufficiently high privacy. To avoid the constricting aesthetics of a stone wall or other massive privacy fence, hedge plants and other living screens can provide a natural alternative with added value.

Fast-growing shrubs for a dense hedge

In order to obtain a relatively dense visual protection as quickly as possible after planting, as quickly as possible and strongly vigorous plant varieties should be selected for a living fence. In this regard, the following hedge plants have proved themselves:

However, always pay attention to the two sides of the coin: Fast-growing hedge plants realize quite quickly the stated goal of a dense screen with natural character. But they also require a certain amount of nursing care in order to keep the steadily increasing vigor in old age in accordance with local conditions and the regulations of neighboring law in check. Last but not least, you should ask yourself, before planting, whether you can cut back up to twice a year so that these hedgerows do not grow over your head.

A dense screen of bamboo and other ornamental grasses to plant

There are also alternatives to the classic hedgerows if you want to create a living screen in the garden. Even some hardy bamboo varieties grow after a few years at a location quite fast and strong. All the more, however, the maxim of thorough planning applies here: Provided that it does not concern horstbildende bamboo plants without foothills, at the planting precautions must be taken in the sense of a suitable rhizome barrier. So you can be sure that the bamboo really keeps curious glances along the property boundary and does not overgrow the entire garden within a few years. Also every year new sprouting ornamental grasses are more or less all year round as a screen, since the dry shoots are easily tied together over the winter, to finally be cut in the following spring before the new shoot.

Let climbing plants grow up on a climbing aid

A particularly space-saving variant of the living fence can be realized with vigorous climbing plants. Knotweed, trumpet flower and wild wine offer as climbing plants on the garden fence and next to the terrace the advantage that they need on a slender tendril little base area and also provide plenty of food for insects and other garden dwellers with their flowers.


A living fence sometimes provides not only a sound-absorbing effect on annoying road noise and improved protection against pollution, but it also provides many bird and insect species valuable nesting opportunities and feeding areas.