Why does the privet get yellow leaves?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Your Bonsai has Yellow leaves in winter
Video: Why Your Bonsai has Yellow leaves in winter


If the privet gets yellow leaves, overfertilization may be behind it

Why does the privet get yellow leaves?

The privet is an extremely robust plant that rarely suffers from disease or pest infestation. If the privet suddenly gets yellow leaves in the summer, which fall off, you probably exaggerated it with the care.

Yellow leaves on the privet due to over-fertilization

Privet needs nutrients, but he resents oversupply. He responds by turning the leaves yellow and finally falling off.

Never overdo it with fertilizer. On a well prepared soil, you do not need to fertilize as much as possible.

In order to stimulate the vigor of the Liguster, you may only give some compost and horn shavings in the spring, or provide the bush with long-term fertilizer. Only short-term fertilizers such as blue seed are administered twice a year.


If the leaves of the leaflet intervene and then fall off, you may expect an infestation by the privet louse. This pest occurs more often, but is not usually dangerous to the privet.