So the maid spreads rustic charm in the country garden in the countryside

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Growing a Greener World Episode 1004: Gardening on the Cheap
Video: Growing a Greener World Episode 1004: Gardening on the Cheap


The virgin in the countryside is not only beautiful to look at, their seeds also have healing powers

So the maid spreads rustic charm in the country garden in the countryside

With its natural charm, the maiden in the green adorns the pristine farmer's garden, summery flower borders and rounds off rustic dry bouquets magnificently. The one-year-old flower with the filigree hair wreath around blue, pink or white flowers, is experiencing a much-noticed renaissance. Find answers to frequently asked questions on how easy it is to cultivate by relying on sound answers.

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Their frugal unpretentiousness has not least contributed to the worldwide popularity of the maiden in the countryside. The care program is therefore in the pocket size format:

The annual Nigella damascena takes care of the multiplication itself by forming numerous seeds and distributing them in the garden. If this is not desired, cut off the withered plants near the ground in time.
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Which location is suitable?

From the Mediterranean, the Nigella damascena found its way into the cottage gardens of Central Europe.Their origin indicates which site conditions the maid in the countryside attaches particular importance. In sunny, windless locations, the flower shows up in perfect floral form throughout the summer. Ideally, the soil is fresh, loose-humorous, with a nutrient content at a medium level.
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Which soil does the plant need?

In the wild the maid in the countryside inhabits almost every soil. Nevertheless, the delicate summer beauty has its special preferences. If you fill the flower with a fresh, well-drained and humus-rich soil, it will reach its optimum. In the sandy-lean soil, the flowers remain mostly behind expectations.
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What is the best planting time?

With regard to the easy sowing and rapid germination in the bed, the effort of growing behind glass is unnecessary. Bring the flower seeds from late March to mid-June in time-shifted consecutive seeds. In wintery mildew, another time window for sowing opens in September to induce an extra early flowering period.
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Cut maid in the green correctly

High-growing varieties are excellent as long-lasting cut flowers. Cut off the flower stems that have just flowered when the morning dew has evaporated. Moreover, the distinctive seeds give a dry bouquet a rustic look. To do this, cut off the dipped summer flowers when the follicles have formed. Tied to small bouquets and dried upside down in the airy place, the maidens turn green into oily dried flowers.
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Maid in the green pour

A normal Central European summer provides enough rain to quench the thirst of the maiden in the countryside. In case of prolonged dryness, the tender flower should be watered. In the early morning or in the evenings, pour the water directly from the jaw spout onto the root disc. In pot culture, on the other hand, there is a regular need for pouring, since the substrate dries out more quickly.
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Fertilize virgin in the green properly

If the flower grows outdoors, the nutrient requirement is covered in common garden soil. The additional administration of fertilizer is unnecessary in this case. Only in the bucket or balcony box do you administer a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants once a month from June to the end of the flowering period.
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While the summer flower is largely spared from diseases, the ubiquitous aphids often make their way over the tender pinnules. In view of the ease of sowing, we recommend that you do not spend any effort to control the pests. Instead, tear out the infected plants and sow fresh.
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Virgin in the green in the pot

In the pot and flower box dwarf varieties prepare us much joy throughout the summer. In March / April, sow the seeds directly on the potting soil and sift the seeds thinly with substrate. Consistently slightly moist, pointed out within 10-20 days, the first seedlings. Then separate the strongest seedlings to a distance of 8-10 cm. Water regularly when the soil has dried. From June, the monthly administration of liquid fertilizer has a revitalizing effect on the maidens in the countryside.
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Is virgin poisonous in the green?

The flower of the genus black cumin (Nigella) has made a name in natural medicine as a remedy for stomach and intestinal complaints. The contained alkaloid damascenin unfolds its effect, which is not contained in the black cumin. In addition, the oil of seeds finds application in the cosmetics industry. However, it is precisely this alkaloid that causes slight or moderate signs of poisoning if it is consumed excessively. Therefore, the ground seeds are no longer used for the refinement of desserts, regardless of their pronounced Waldmeister taste.
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How is the spinster sown in the countryside?

Save the cumbersome cultivation behind glass, because the seeds of a virgin in the green germ directly in the bed reliably. So the sowing succeeds:

Depending on the temperature conditions, germination takes 10 to 20 days. The strongest seedlings will later isolate you to a distance of 15 to 20 cm. Bring out delayed sowing until mid-June, the flowering period extends well into the autumn. In winter-mild regions, autumn sowing is rewarded in September with an early flowering in the next year.
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The maiden in the countryside is still one of the classic symbol flowers. In a non-verbal way to express their refusal to an applicant on free feet, young women give the spurned man a bouquet of maidens in the country. If the ladies want to emphasize your refusal, add eyebright and escort.
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Beautiful varieties