What size does the hydrangea reach?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Inside Stories: How Hydrangea is Grown in Holland - Wholesale Flowers Direct
Video: Inside Stories: How Hydrangea is Grown in Holland - Wholesale Flowers Direct


Hydrangeas are one to seven meters high depending on the variety

What size does the hydrangea reach?

In the trade you get hydrangeas usually as a small plant with some umbels. Depending on the species, this young plant can develop into a powerful hydrangea shrub several meters high. In this article we have listed the most common varieties and their stature height for you.

Size and habit of the different varieties

The expected maximum height of the hydrangea is usually noted on the sales label of the plant. Check this carefully, as tall or wide specimens require a lot of space. Since the hydrangea is very locally true, you should give the plant from the beginning a place where it may develop and spread in peace.

Growth height of the individual varieties

Cut hydrangeas and thereby limit the height

In small gardens, it makes sense to cut the hydrangea regularly so that the hydrangea does not grow too bulging and tall. Older hydrangeas also tend to grow very densely, leaving many woody branches barely room to wake up young shoots.

Avoid radical cuts

Since the hydrangea forms the flowers predominantly on young wood and many species plant the flower buds in the previous year, the pruning should take place over several years. Always remove only one-third of the heavily woody branches of some of the opposite branches. This gives the fresh shoots the opportunity to develop well and the shrub retains its compact appearance.

After three to four years, the Hydrangea is completely rejuvenated and you can get the desired size through annual cuts.

Tips & Tricks

Oh, if you want the hydrangea to grow into large shrubs, you should occasionally do a pruning. They prevent the hydrangea from becoming top-heavy, severely overhanging the branches and breaking the shrub.