When is the right time to plant hornbeam hedges?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a hornbeam hedge | The Impatient Gardener
Video: Planting a hornbeam hedge | The Impatient Gardener


A hornbeam hedge is best planted in the fall

When is the right time to plant hornbeam hedges?

The question of when is the right time to plant a hornbeam hedge depends on what plants you have bought or grown. In general, hornbeam hedges like all hedges are best planted in the fall.

Plant hornbeam hedge in autumn

Autumn is the best time to plant a hornbeam hedge. The soil is then moistened well, so there is no danger that the roots dry out.

In spring and summer it is often too dry. Even regular watering can not prevent the hornbeams from growing.

The recommendation is especially for root-bare and bale plants, which take some time to get used to the new location. Immediately after planting you should cut the hornbeams for the first time.

Choose a frost-free day

To plant the hornbeam hedge, choose a day that is guaranteed frost-free. Nor should a frost break be expected in the next few days.

Cheap is a cloudy day, where it does not rain in streams. Light drizzle is no problem.

Container plants may be planted until May

Although container hornbeams have their price, you are still allowed to plant your hedge with these plants until May.

The roots are firmly embedded in soil, so they are well taken care of at first. The hornbeams need only be well slumbered and watered on very dry days.


To plant a hornbeam hedge, it is best to lift a trench about 40 centimeters deep. After improving the soil with compost and horn shavings, place the hornbeams 50 centimeters apart and refill the soil.