This is how you succeed in growing the guava on the local windowsill

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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A guava is easy to grow from seed

This is how you succeed in growing the guava on the local windowsill

Hardly anything is more enjoyable than to grow plants from tiny little seeds - and even to reap some of these fruits after a few years. With the guava originating from South America even plant friends without too green thumb often have success, after all the exotic plant is considered quite uncomplicated and easy to care for. Already about four to five years after sowing you can harvest the first fruits with a bit of luck. Find out how to get there in this article.

Real guava or Brazilian guava?

Before you get yourself seeds and enjoy the work, look first, which guava you actually got hold of. Under this name, different plants are sold, which are, however, quite similar in terms of conditions for the cultivation and subsequent care. With one major difference: The Brazilian guava (Acca sellowiana), also known as pineapple guava or feijoah, is significantly harder in the take than the real guava (Psidium guajava). The pineapple guava tolerates, in contrast to the real guava, namely even slight frosts. Therefore, this species is grown wherever it is already too cold for the real guava.

Breeding of seeds succeeds quite uncomplicated

The cultivation of self-collected or purchased seeds succeeds in both species but quite straightforward. All you have to do is do the following:

Although sowing is generally possible all year round, the best results are achieved in the spring.


No matter what, guavas should be frost-free but cool and bright as possible.