How is the vegetable patch fertilized in the spring?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Spring Strawberry Plant Care Basics: Containers, Pruning, Compost, Fertilizing, and Nitrogen Time!
Video: Spring Strawberry Plant Care Basics: Containers, Pruning, Compost, Fertilizing, and Nitrogen Time!


Which fertilizer is attached, depends on the soil

How is the vegetable patch fertilized in the spring?

Last year, crop yields were not so desired? So quickly distributed fertilizer in the spring on the beds, then this will be this time. This is a fallacy, because garden soils are very different and require fertilizer inputs that are optimized for the soil culture and substrate.

Fertilizing tuned to the ground

Before fertilizing in spring, you should take a close look at the soil in the vegetable bed:

Which nutrients do plants need?

Plants are not as demanding as you might think. They come with three main nutrients:

In addition, vegetables require trace elements such as iron, magnesium or sulfur.

Bio-fertilize vegetable patch

For this purpose, fertilizers made of grown or animal material, which are incorporated or poured into the soil. They supply bacteria and fungi, which release valuable substances in the decomposition of organic matter for the plants.

Biological fertilizers include:

Mineral fertilizer

These are available as single or combined fertilizer. Most are salts, which release the nutrients when dissolved with water. However, the soils impoverish with pure administration of these fertilizers.

How much is fertilized in the spring?

Fertilize moderately and on the ground in your vegetable garden. Over-fertilization should be avoided at all costs as it inhibits the growth of plants.

Incorporate fertilizer with a rake or hoe well into the soil. Then pour. Wait a few days to set young plants.


To provide the kitchen garden with optimal nutrients, a soil analysis is worthwhile. Many soils are over-supplied and no longer need certain nutrients. An analysis clearly identifies this and you can tailor the fertilizer to the needs of the vegetables.