For beautiful flower balls and healthy plants: Maintain garden hydrangea properly

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
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Video: Planting a Front Garden Bed for a Friend! 🌿 🌸 // Garden Answer


The garden hydrangea needs a lot of water

For beautiful flower balls and healthy plants: Maintain garden hydrangea properly

Like all flowering shrubs, garden hydrangeas only develop lush flowers when they receive the right food in addition to water and light. Although hydrangeas are basically very easy to care for, they still penalize care mistakes with a puny growth and a lack of flowering.

Early article cut in the garden hydrangea is sort-dependent Next article Are Garden Hydrangeas Hardy?

How should I water garden hydrangeas?

Garden hydrangea roots are not very deep and therefore rely on sufficient water near the surface. Originally hydrangeas come from river floodplains, which are supplied with water evenly and are also characterized by a constant high humidity. Especially in the first year of regular and abundant watering is important. Well-grown plants survive short drought without major damage.

How often and with what are garden hydrangeas fertilized?

There are special hydrangea fertilizers on the market, but also fertilizers for rhododendrons and azaleas are well suited for the supply of garden hydrangeas. By contrast, most universal fertilizers, such as blue-grain, have too high a phosphorus content and are therefore less suitable for hydrangeas.

When and how do you cut the garden hydrangeas?

Garden hydrangeas bloom on the previous year's wood and must therefore not be cut back. Only remove the old inflorescences in spring.

Can I cultivate garden hydrangeas in the tub?

Yes, where the planter should be at least two thirds of the diameter of the plant. Container hydrangeas must also not dry out.

Which diseases can occur in garden hydrangea?

Quite often, fungal and viral diseases such as gray mold, mildew or leaf spot disease, usually caused by care mistakes, occur in the garden hydrangea.

The garden hydrangea gets yellow leaves, how to remedy?

If the leaves of the garden hydrangea gradually turn yellow and only the leaf veins remain green, there is a chlorosis. This is a nutrient deficiency, usually iron, manganese or magnesium missing. Causes are often not sufficient fertilization, too high a pH of the soil or waterlogging or too dry soil. Add the soil to humus and fertilize specifically.

Why does the garden hydrangea not bloom?

If the garden hydrangea does not want to bloom, either a wrong cut is the cause, or the flower buds already planted in the previous year are frozen to death in the late frosts of early spring.

Which pests are particularly troublesome for the garden hydrangea?

Garden hydrangeas can be attacked by aphids, spider mites and thrips. Explanted specimens often cause voles, caterpillars or the weevil.

Are garden hydrangeas hardy?

Garden hydrangeas are not endangered by low minus temperatures. However, there is a risk that the flower buds formed in the previous year will be damaged by frost.Therefore winter protection (eg by leaves or bark mulch) is recommended.

Tips & Tricks

It is best to water your garden hydrangea in the morning and / or in the evening and not in the midday sun, because the water droplets on the leaves look like burning glasses.