Finally spring in the garden - that is to be done now

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
New Vegetable Garden: How To Get Started
Video: New Vegetable Garden: How To Get Started


In spring, the garden soil is prepared for planting

Finally spring in the garden - that is to be done now

In the spring there is a spirit of optimism in nature. Finally, the barren winter time has come to an end, because now important work for the gardener on the program. Learn how to properly prepare your green kingdom for the new season in spring.

Prepare soil - this is how you do it right

By March at the latest, soil life will pick up again, so now is the best time to prepare the earth. To avoid damaging the industrious microorganisms, please do not dig the soil in the spring. How to do it right:

In the vegetable patch, heavy eaters, such as tomatoes or pumpkins, add compost with 100 grams of horn shavings per square meter. This natural nitrogen source will boost growth after planting.

Making the lawn fit for the summer - that's how it works

The hardships of winter have left their mark on the grass. The following fitness cure in the spring agrees the noble grasses on a vital, dense growth:

In the spring, remove a mossy lawn from the annoying felt by scarifying it in a checkerboard pattern. About 3 weeks after fertilization, the ideal time is for a mild, frost-free day when the green area is dry.

Cut woody plants - Tips around the pruning

For all summer-flowering shrubs and trees, it is high time in the spring for pruning. Shorten now too long shoots to the desired length and clear the branches thoroughly. Spring-blooming beauties such as forsythia are spared by the scissors.


If you want to redesign your garden without turf, spring is the best time. Peel off the old sod with a grass cutter. Now you can let your ideas run wild as you give the freed surface a decorative, imaginative shape. Ground cover as lawn replacement, paving with natural stones, embellish with a pond or swimming pool are just a few of the multi-faceted options.