Ficus Benjamini cut properly - instructions in the tutorial

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning Ficus Benjamina | Pruning | Propagation
Video: Pruning Ficus Benjamina | Pruning | Propagation


The Ficus benjamini can be well put into shape at will

Ficus Benjamini cut properly - instructions in the tutorial

In bright, warm living rooms, Ficus Benjamini makes no secret of the fact that she prefers an impressive tree. Under ideal conditions, the evergreen houseplant reaches majestic proportions that make a pruning inevitable. In this tutorial you can read about when and how to perfectly cut a birch fig.

Best time is in the spring

Basically, you can prune your Ficus Benjamini in every season. The evergreen room tree is on good terms with scissors and saw. Even after an extensive pruning you can trust that the plant will expel again.

Zimmergärtner with a weakness for the gentle cut, take into account the current growth phase of your birch fig. Here come cutting measures primarily in Late winter or early spring into consideration. In the transition from winter break and beginning of the growing season, a Ficus Benjamini reacts to cutbacks with a bushy, vigorous sprouting of stems and leaves.

Cut compatibility allows various types of cuts

It is subject to your horticultural assessment, which cut size you prescribe your Ficus Benjamini. The pronounced cutting tolerance allows the removal of individual shoots to the radical rejuvenation of any common cutting. The following overview summarizes typical occasions for a cut of birch figs:

No reason for a pruning is the Dropping leaves, The cause of the frequent damage is an unsuitable location or care errors. If your Ficus Benjamini are forced to shed their beautiful leaves, a pruning can not solve the problem. Please put all conditions for cultivation to the test to identify and correct the trigger.

Perfect in shape - shape cutting instructions

If a Ficus Benjamini develops into an aesthetic disturbing factor in the design of living and working spaces, a cut brings the houseplant back into shape. A perfect tool is a bypass pruning shears, because it leaves with two sharp blades smooth cuts. How to cut your birch fig right?

In order for a cut to leave no gap in the foliage, at least one leaf or bud should stop at the shortened shoot. From this growing point, growth continues. Please do not cut into a bud and leave no stub with more than 5 millimeters in length. In both cases, it is questionable whether the plant expels at this point.

In this video Gartencenter Augsburg explains the correct cut of a birch fig:



Protect the skin, clothing and floor from sticky milk juice

Characteristic of Ficus Benjamini is a sticky sap that is referred to by professionals as latex. Apart from a viscous, sticky ur, the milky secretion contains numerous allergens. It is strongly advised to take adequate protective measures for all cutting work. Wear gloves and long-sleeved clothing. Spread old blankets, worn curtains or plastic wrap on the floor to protect against dripping latex juice. Ideally, lay the place for cutting outside on the lawn or bare earth. You stop the sap flow in time with small cotton balls or paper tissues, which press you immediately on bleeding cuts.

Auslichten for a dense foliage dress

If a Ficus Benjamini can develop freely in height and width, it should still be cut every 2 to 3 years. At least from the age of 5 years, there is a danger that deadwood mixes under the dense branches. As a result, buds are shaded so they do not drive out. From the inside spreads out Verkahlung, which spoils a previously magnificent birch fig. Thus, a Auslichtungsschnitt ensures a dense foliage:

The professional cut management pays attention to the Astring. On older, large birch figs you can see a bulging thickening in the transition from the branch to the trunk. Cut or saw off the deadwood in a short distance to the Astring. If there is no astring, make the cut just before the stem bark.


Colorful-leaved Ficus Benjamini are in high demand for creative interior design. Occasionally monochrome green shoots protrude from the variegated leaves dress. These are naughty wild drives that want to prevail. Cut out the wildlings in a timely manner because they are more vigorous and can displace variegated branches.

Rejuvenate old birch fig

Without an occasional clearing cut, a Ficus Benjamini ages and shades within a few years. If the gardener shudders when making a shape cut, the exotic room tree breaks up the spatial capacity and bumps into the ceiling. With a radical rejuvenation cut pave the way for the floral new beginning. How to proceed expertly:

Please note that a leafless shoot is not necessarily attributable to deadwood. Before framing a branch at the base, check with vitality test the prospects for a new bud. Scrape the bark off with a knife tip to examine the tissue. A dry, brown color indicates that it is deadwood. If fresh green tissue emerges, trim the shoot by a hand's breadth or up to 30 centimeters to vitalize its sleeping eyes.


Strong cut makes sleeping buds lively

Radically curtailing old, oversized Ficus Benjamini is a matter of serious concern for newcomers to cut care. It is due to sleeping buds that the birch fig after a rejuvenation cut fresh and vigorous expels. This also applies if you cut into the old wood. In the course of growth, many woody plant species presumably lay dormant buds. These vegetation points have the only purpose in life to replace lost shoots, branches or trunks. In gardener's language, the floral reserve is referred to as sleeping eyes because they are nearly invisible buds waiting for their wake-up call below the bark.

frequently asked Questions

Is Ficus Benjamini poisonous?

Experts classify Ficus Benjamini as slightly toxic. Especially for children and pets, the evergreen houseplant poses a health hazard. The milky sap contains various toxins that can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and circulatory problems when ingested. Cats and small rodents may die from respiratory paralysis after ingesting small amounts of leaves. Latex allergic and sensitive adults should avoid direct skin contact with the milk juice of a birch fig, as it can lead to allergic reactions such as itching, redness and eczema.

My birch fig is littered with sticky leaves. What to do?

Sticky leaves on Ficus benjamini are more than just a blemish. The most common cause of the problem is an infestation with pests, such as aphids, which excrete viscous honeydew as a waste product. Once you've spotted the tiny pests on the leaves, wipe the top off with lukewarm, soft water. Then shower your birch fig right upside down. In the last step of the treatment, spray the leaves on top and bottom with a mix of one liter of boiled, lukewarm water, dissolving one to two tablespoons of pure lube or curd soap. A dash of alcohol optimizes the effectiveness. If you do not find any pests as the cause, spilled plant sap sticks the leaves after pruning. Clean the foliage with a soft cloth and lime-free water.

I prefer spending the spring and summer on the balcony. Can I take my birch fig outside?

Staying on the light-filled, warm balcony promotes the beauty of a birch fig. Since the exotic foliage plant does not tolerate frost, it should only move outside when the temperatures are above 15 degrees Celsius day and night. To protect against sunburn on the glossy-green leaves please select an absonnigen to partially shaded location in a wind-sheltered location.

The 3 most common cut defects

The good-natured cut tolerance of Ficus Benjamini reaches its limits when important premises are ignored. The following overview draws attention to the three most common cutting errors and gives practical tips for the prevention:


Even without previous cutting measures, the Birkenfeige benefits from a lukewarm shower. Cover the pot with root ball with a plastic bag. Put the plant in your bathtub or shower tray. Now you roar off the foliage dress with a gentle stream of water. Twice a year, you should clean the room tree of dust and sticky sap.