Diseases that threaten our oak trees

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tree Diseases in London: The Economic, Social and Environmental Impact
Video: Tree Diseases in London: The Economic, Social and Environmental Impact


Diseases that threaten our oak trees

Oaks suffer from numerous diseases and pests. In the worst case, even very old trees can be so badly damaged that they die. How to identify diseases and what to do about them.

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The most common diseases of oak trees

oak mildew

This is a fungal disease affecting mainly young leaves and trees. The leaves of stems and oaks turn whitish and look like powdered. Finally, the leaves roll, dry out and fall off.

Little can be done against the mildew. Make sure the tree is well supplied with nutrients and moisture. Collect fallen leaves and dispose of them with household waste.

Oak tinder

Fire sponges on the oak trunk are very durable. It is a fungus that forms a solid fruiting body on the stem. He can hardly be detached without damaging the tree.

Since especially weakened trees are attacked by the fungus, it is helpful to provide the oak with additional nutrients. Then she has the opportunity to strengthen the affected areas so that the fungus can not spread further.


Tree cancer is also a fungal disease. The fungus nests in tree wounds and spreads over the bark.This discolors and forms dense cushions that stretch across the trunk. Young oak trees can contribute to this disease.

Cut out the affected areas. The cut is thereby led to healthy wood. The trimmings must be incinerated or disposed of safely. As a precautionary measure, care should be taken to apply balsam to the wounds resulting from the trimming of the oak.

oak death

The oak dying endangers entire tree stocks. Cause is not a single disease, but the living conditions in which the tree is located. These include environmental pollution, injection toxins and attack by pests.

As a single hobby gardener you have little opportunity to do anything against the dreaded oak dying.

Tips & Tricks

The best way to prevent disease is to strengthen the oak tree. Ensure sufficient moisture and fertilize the tree from time to time. Very helpful is a mulch cover, which you spread under the oak tree.