Is the breed leaf poisonous?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Strange Plants That Look Like Human Body Parts
Video: Strange Plants That Look Like Human Body Parts


The brood-leaf is harmless to humans and animals

Is the breed leaf poisonous?

Because of its unusual appearance, the easy-care hatchet has become a fairly popular and slightly exotic houseplant. Small daughter plants form on the serrated leaf margins and fall off as soon as they are rooted. Fortunately, they are not toxic.

Should your child put such a plantlet in his mouth or feed your pet, you do not have to worry. In its Malagasy homeland, the brood-leaf is even considered a medicinal plant. It aims to relax the muscles, relieve pain, reduce fever and also act against inflammation. Bryophyllum is also used in homeopathy. As a food plant, the hatchet is not used.

The essentials in brief:


The Brutblatt belongs to the thick-leafed plants, it stores water in its fleshy leaves and reacts sensitive to waterlogging.