The most beautiful shrubs for the shady flowerbed

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Shade Garden Flowers. 25 Perennials Proven To Grow.
Video: Shade Garden Flowers. 25 Perennials Proven To Grow.


Funkies love shade

The most beautiful shrubs for the shady flowerbed

For an attractive flowerbed you do not need a sunny spot, because even for the shady areas in the garden, there are many pretty flowering perennials and attractive leaf ornamental plants.

There are not only sunny sides in the garden

As always in life, there are of course not only sunny sides in the garden. Be it because the high hedge casts shadows or the neighbor's pear tree: shadow areas are no reason to forego a flowerbed with flowering plants. Although the selection is significantly lower than among the sun-loving plants, but it is often rather uncomplicated species. However, before you drive to the garden market, you first determine the floor in the planned shadow area. This can namely have very different properties. Typically, the soil is rather humid here and tends to have a low pH. At certain locations, however, the soil in a shade bed can be quite dry, which is why no moisture-tolerant plants belong here.

The most beautiful shrubs for the flowerbed in the shade

The following species are predestined for the shady flowerbed because they thrive here especially well.


Funkia, also hosta or lily, are typical Blattschmuckstauden. Depending on the species and variety, the plants have cream-white, yellow-green, dark-green or steel-blue colored leaves, some are even multicolored. The flowering period is between June and July. Funkii need a humus rich and evenly moist soil.


Astilbes or fancy-headed animals do not bear their name without reason: they bloom even in the deepest shadow. Their flower spikes have a large color spectrum and can be up to 55 centimeters long. Grand Prags need a nutrient- and humus-rich soil.

silver candle

The silver candle, also known as the "Christophskraut", delights with its inflorescences, which are between 60 and 180 centimeters high, depending on the variety, and the long, white flower clusters. Some of the different species bloom well into autumn and need a humus rich, well drained soil.

Coral bells

Also the attractive purple bell (Heuchera) belongs to the Blattschmuckstauden. In addition to the large leaves, the perennial enchants with its numerous, tiny bells, which appear in long panicles between May and July.

crying heart

Also the bleeding heart. For a long time known from cottage gardens, may not be missing in the shade garden. The pink or white flowers show up between April and June. The perennial is lime-tolerant.


Even in the shade bed, the excavation should be enriched with mature compost and horn shavings, which makes it easier for the perennials to grow and supplies them with all the important nutrients.