Help, my blue rain has never blossomed!

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Milky Chance - Blossom (Official Video)
Video: Milky Chance - Blossom (Official Video)


Young blue worms do not bloom

Help, my blue rain has never blossomed!

In most cases, the wisteria is planted because of its impressive flowers. If these fail, then the concern is often great, but not always justified. As fast as it grows, the blue rain is not an early starter in terms of flowering.

When does a blue rain bloom for the first time?

Until you can admire the first flowers of your Blauregens usually go a few years in the country. Expect about three to five years. For this, your blue rain will probably blossom every year until your pension.

An important factor in flowering is also the source of your blue gene. If you have bought it in specialist shops, then it should be refined and bloom after a few years. However, if it has been grown from seeds by itself, then a blue-green gene takes much longer to flower first. If you would like to grow a flowering wisteria yourself, then propagation from cuttings is recommended.

Worth knowing about the flowering of the Blauregens:

Why does not my blue rain flourish, even though he is old enough?

If the flower stops at your blue rain, although he is already old enough, then you should look for the cause. Maybe the location is too dark, then you should transplant your blue rain, because in the shade he may exist, but will not bloom there. Too little water and / or fertilizer as well as a wrong pruning make a blue-flowering lazy.

Reasons for the absence of flowering:

How can I support flowering with blue rain?

A regular pruning is essential for a lush flowering, so you should cut back your blue rain at least once a year. Avoid both waterlogging and extreme dryness and fertilize your blue rain sufficiently in the spring.


In order for your blue rain to blossom abundantly in the future you should cut it back regularly as well as pour and fertilize it sufficiently.