Not only fun for children - leaves dry and squeeze

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Leaf Curling Disease in Chili Pepper, Capsicum & Tomato Plants | How to Identify, Prevent & Cure it?
Video: Leaf Curling Disease in Chili Pepper, Capsicum & Tomato Plants | How to Identify, Prevent & Cure it?


Leaves are easy to squeeze in a book

Not only fun for children - leaves dry and squeeze

When the leaves on the trees change color in the fall, one would like to capture this incredible colourfulness. One way to get the colorful leaves a little longer is to dry and squeeze them. So treated, they make an autumnal decoration for the apartment.

Collect leaves and squeeze

Pick trees and bushes whose leaves are especially colored, such as the maple, the beech, the pear or the witch hazel. Collect only perfect leaves without cracks and traces of food, mold or fungus. Ideally, the leaves are dry, so get your leaves out of the garden or park in beautiful autumn weather. There are two options for pressing the leaves:

Leaves press with the plant press

A plant press is available to buy in any craft shop, but can also be made from two wooden boards and a corresponding screw. In addition to the leaves you need cardboard, printing paper to absorb the sap and a pair of scissors.

    Cut two boards and four sheets of press paper to the size of the plant press. Place first a cardboard, then two layers of press paper and finally the sheets to be dried on the lower board of the press. Leave some space between the leaves. Put two layers of press paper and the second cardboard on the leaves. Now screw the second wooden board to the first, the press is done.

Store the plant press in a dry place for a few weeks (depending on the thickness of the leaves).

Press leaves in books

Everyone has tried them out in old books before. In principle, the plants are dried in the same way as in a plant press. You need several heavy books and press paper.

    Open the book and put several layers of press paper in it. Arrange the leaves on them, they should not touch. Cover the leaves again with press paper and close the book. So that pressure is properly applied, you now stack several thick books on it.

Store the books dry and after a few weeks your leaves are ready to dry. With them beautiful decoration ideas can now be realized.