The Bergenie multiply: try it!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Dividing and Planting on Perennials (Bergenia) #originalgardening #gardeningin #danori
Video: Dividing and Planting on Perennials (Bergenia) #originalgardening #gardeningin #danori


Bergenia can be e.g. multiply over cuttings

The Bergenie multiply: try it!

You have caught a variety that simply has beautiful flowers to melt away? You want to let other people participate in it or treat yourself to more copies of this variety? Then it is time to multiply this Bergenie!

Sharing Bergenien: The easiest way

In summer the Bergenie can be shared. Only strong and healthy mother plants should be exposed to this propagation procedure:

Because the roots of the Bergenie are not very deep in the ground, they are quickly transported to the surface. Remember to remove brown leaves immediately, loosen up the soil well at the new location and, if necessary, reduce compost and add abundantly to the divided plants! After about 4 weeks, the new Bergenien have grown.

How does sowing work?

Sowing is not for the faint-hearted or impatient gardener. Expertise is required, because only with this does the germination of the seeds work properly.Between March and April or between August and September, a paser period for sowing has come.

The seeds of the Bergenie are light germs, which rely on a lot of heat in the first few weeks to germinate. They are distributed in seed soil, lightly pressed and moistened. Place the seed bowl or pot with the seeds in a light place. It should be at least 21 ° C warm.

If the seedlings are visible after 2 to 3 weeks, the location is changed. Now they need lower temperatures to continue to grow well. If necessary, now is an ideal time to separate the seeds.

Multiply by cuttings

The cuttings increase in the spring as follows:


So that the sowing and cuttings propagation goes faster, you should cover the potting pots with foil.