Combat sorrel - with and without chemical pesticides

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mighty ducks fight pests in South Africa | Eco-at-Africa
Video: Mighty ducks fight pests in South Africa | Eco-at-Africa


The chemical control of dock is a possibility, but very harmful to humans, animals, vegetation and soil and therefore not recommended

Combat sorrel - with and without chemical pesticides

For many garden owners, sorrel is a really annoying weed because it can be combated so badly. Chemical control agents only partially help because the plant forms very deep roots. How to Destroy Dockers with and without Chemical Remedies.

Dock has very deep roots

If dock is in the garden or lawn, you should take action immediately. Once the plant has settled in, you have little chance of effective control of the weed.

The roots reach more than a meter deep into the earth. They form foothills from which new plants emerge.

In addition, sorrel propagates via seeds. Never let sorrel flowering in the garden, so you control the spread.

Destroy the sorrel by hand

More effective than the use of sprays is the extraction of the roots. That should happen as soon as you have discovered even a small rosette of the amphibious.

Use a special docking knife to cut it out. With it you get deeper into the earth than with an ordinary weed cutter. You need to remove the roots as completely as possible, because even out of leftovers new saplings plant.

Prune dock in the garden or lawn on a day when the ground is very humid, for example after a rainy day. Then the earth is looser and you get the roots completely without effort from the earth.

The use of chemical control agents

The cost of chemical control agents for destroying dockyard is less than the biological control. There are a number of preparations that are suitable, such as Roundup, Simplex, Weedex or Dicopur. All remedies contain toxic substances.

The use of these control agents must be carried out exactly as instructed. Some are used in spring, others are applied as sprays in the fall. An application in the fall is not quite as successful, but leaves the lawn in the following spring usually use again.

Basically, however, it must be said that chemical-based sprays always only act selectively. Most ingredients remain on the surface and do not even reach the deep roots. Therefore, the chemical control of dock in garden or lawn is quite critical to see.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions

If you choose to use chemical sprays to destroy dock socks, follow the instructions on the package exactly.

Improper use can cause harm to you, your children and your pets.


When fighting stomachs with chemicals such as simplex or roundup, you must not collect leaves from the amphire to eat them. Pets should not be left on the lawn to prevent poisoning.