Planting with grasses

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
10 Perennial Grasses I Absolutely Love! πŸŒΎπŸ’š// Garden Answer
Video: 10 Perennial Grasses I Absolutely Love! πŸŒΎπŸ’š// Garden Answer


Grasses are particularly beautiful in the rock garden as specimen plants

Planting with grasses

With their windy eras, grasses bring ease and movement to the garden. In addition, there are grasses for every location. Beautiful design ideas for planting with grasses and a selection of the most beautiful grasses can be found below.

Grasses in the garden

Grasses are suitable for the noble planting of rockeries as well as to supplement wild flowerbeds. They can both make a stately impression as a specimen plant and act as companion plants for vigorously flowering perennials. Even in the bucket, most ornamental grasses are outstanding.
It is important that you pay attention to their location requirements when selecting your ornamental grasses. Therefore, we have put together a table with the most beautiful grasses, their most important characteristics and their preferred location.

Grasses in winter

All of the above grasses are hardy and most retain their shape even in winter, making them look pretty and delicate under snow and frost. But that does not mean they do not need winter protection. Under no circumstances should you trim your ornamental grass before winter! The dry eros protect the roots from freezing. Also, cover the area around the grasses with twigs and other pruning before the first frost to protect the roots from frost. Higher grasses should be tied together.