The right location for your bearded flowers

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
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The beard flower likes it sunny

The right location for your bearded flowers

Bearded flowers are frugal gardeners who do not need much care. Once you have grown in a favorable location, you will enjoy many years of beautiful ornamental shrubs with their striking blue flowers. Tips for the right location.

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The right place for your bearded flowers

The sunnier the better - in shady locations you will wait in vain for a beautiful flower of the bearded flower.

A dry soil is better than if the soil is too moist. Waterlogged flowers do not tolerate waterlogging, because their roots rot with too much wetness. Make sure that pouring water and rainwater drain well.

Bearded flowers prefer alkaline soil, but also cope with slightly acidic locations.


Is your garden often haunted by snails? Then plant a few of the non-toxic bearded flowers in front of endangered beds. Snails do not like the hairy leaves and their fragrance and can be expelled.