The cultivation of the Charentais melon in its own garden

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Garden Tip - Harvesting Charentais Melon
Video: Garden Tip - Harvesting Charentais Melon


The cultivation of the Charentais melon in its own garden

The Charentais melon is one of the smaller representatives of the sugar melons. This makes them interesting for growing on balconies or in smaller gardens.

Classification and characteristics of the Charentais melon

Various types of melon, such as charentais, melon (or even yellow canary) and galia, are usually grouped together under the generic name of the sweet melon because of their sweet taste. As an intermediate in the determination of melon varieties apply the so-called Cantaloupe melons, which include, for example, the following subspecies:

In addition, there are as subspecies of the sugar melons in Europe but also so-called winter melons and the relatively long-lasting nets.

Prefer the Charentais melon in time

Since nearly all melon varieties thrive better in warmer climates than in Europe, early breeding of young plants is necessary if the fruits are to mature in time until autumn. You can buy the seeds of the Charentais melon from specialist retailers or win them from the fruit you bought in the trade. However, seed kernels from fruits should be well-cleaned of pulp so that there is no mold growth during the germination phase. In addition, you should know that the seeds of cultivated hybrid varieties are usually not suitable for further propagation. From the beginning of April, put two seeds into a pot on the windowsill so that you can plant the seedlings in the greenhouse or on the balcony and terrace from May onwards. Since the Charentais melon forms long tendrils and the fruits can grow hanging in the air due to their smaller size, the variety is also called and appreciated as so-called "balcony melon".

Tips for a successful harvest

The roots of young melon plants are very sensitive, so they should be poked with extreme caution or planted directly in a rotten plant pot. Especially when growing melons in the pot you have to water the plants in the summer almost daily. With a sufficiently early sowing and good care, Charentais melons usually bear ripe fruit in fist size in August.

Tips & Tricks

The orange pulp of the Charentais melon is ideal for the visual and flavor enhancement of appetizer plates with ham and cheese appetizers.