Sternmagnolie: Which methods are suitable for multiplication?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Sternmagnolie: Which methods are suitable for multiplication? - Garden
Sternmagnolie: Which methods are suitable for multiplication? - Garden


Sternmagnolie: Which methods are suitable for multiplication?

You have a star magnolia in the garden and can not get enough of her? Now you are looking for more copies? The following methods can be used to multiply this plant.

Propagation by sinkers

The simplest propagation method for star magnolia, which entails the least amount of effort, is the proliferation via sinkers. This method should be done in the fall. It is feasible provided that at least one shoot of the plant overhangs to the ground.

That's how it's done:

Propagation by cuttings

Another method that has proven itself and requires little time is the cuttings propagation. The disadvantage is that the cuttings of star magnolia slowly root ... The propagation method can be done when cutting the star magnolia in autumn or spring. With successful cuttings rooting, single-variety daughter plants are the result.

Select an unbranched shoot. Remove the leaves and slightly cut the shoot on the lower half (promote rooting). Now the shoot comes into a pot of potting soil and will be kept moist for the time to come. The first winter he should be frost-free. In spring it can be planted outdoors.

Propagation by sowing

Who wants to win new varieties, should increase the star magnolia through their seeds. The seeds are frost and cold germs and germinate unreliable. The germination time may be up to three years for some of them! Another disadvantage is that they first flower after an average of 10 years.

How to proceed:

Tips & Tricks

Do not leave the seeds of star magnolia in the dry for too long. As a result, they lose their germination ability.