Can you plant gypsophila in the pot?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Planting and growing Gypsophila Paniculata at Home.
Video: Planting and growing Gypsophila Paniculata at Home.


Gypsophila also thrives wonderfully in the pot

Can you plant gypsophila in the pot?

Gypsophila can not only be planted in pots but also bought the same way. This is especially true for the colored annual varieties. Take a look at a good nursery, the offer is very tempting.

Which pots are suitable for gypsophila?

The pot or planter for your gypsophila (Latin Gypsophila paniculata) should be large enough. For space-saving reasons, this is not always the case with purchased plants. Then it's best to pot your gypsophila. Gypsophila does not like having wet feet and does not tolerate waterlogging at all. That's why you put a drainage layer in the pot. You can use potsherds or coarse gravel for this.

Since gypsophila prefers a calcareous lean soil, pure potting soil is not very well suited. Mix a little sand, lime, grit or gravel underneath, then your gypsophila will feel better and the chances of a luxuriant flowering also increase. In addition, you should not pour your gypsophila too often. It tolerates dryness quite well.

How do you overwinter gypsophila in a pot?

Gypsophila is ideal as a balcony plant and the perennial varieties are also winterized. Nevertheless, you should protect pot and container plants in winter from heavy frost and especially from too much rain. Otherwise it needs no further care.

As frost protection, it is recommended to wrap the planters with bubble wrap, a blanket or the like. Then put the plants in a sheltered place. Of course, you can also place your gypsophila in the greenhouse or conservatory. Even a bright cool room in the house is suitable for wintering. One-year-old gypsophila can not save you over the winter. Buy new plants in spring.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

You are waiting in vain for your gypsophila to bloom profusely? Check the potting soil. If the soil is too moist or too nutrient-rich then your gypsophila will bloom only moderately or not at all.