Eggplant varieties - the great variety of eggplant

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Visual Guide to 8 Glorious Varieties of Eggplant
Video: A Visual Guide to 8 Glorious Varieties of Eggplant


Eggplant varieties - the great variety of eggplant

From the supermarket, we only know aubergines with a shiny violet-colored shell. There are countless varieties. Light green, deep red, light violet with stripes - the egg fruits surprise the gardener with a variety of different colors and shapes.

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Select the right varieties

Planting aubergines in the garden or on the terrace is not considered to be a difficult task for nothing. The heat-loving fruits do not ripen so well in the cool climate. Meanwhile, there are many varieties that are more robust and that you can reap earlier. If you are buying eggplant seeds, be sure to sow the pea varieties.

The taste counts too

Eggplant is not the same as eggplant. Almost every variety has its own unique aroma. Many taste creamy with a light mushroom flavor. Others are very spicy. Unfortunately, some varieties tend to get bitter quickly. Choose the varieties that are closest to your taste if you would like to harvest eggplants in your own garden.

The pulp - Do you love it crisp or soft?

How firm the pulp is, plays a role in its use. If the fruits are to be baked or grilled in the pan, it is advantageous to seed solid eggplant varieties. Even if you want to dry eggplants, solid pulp breeds are more suitable. For vegetable dishes, on the other hand, you prefer to go for soft flesh varieties.

Does it always have to be violet?

Most gardeners tend to sow purple aubergines in the garden. They look very decorative. Other breeds are also an eye-catcher in the garden or on the terrace. Pick bright green, white or orange varieties if you want to cultivate eggplant.

Popular varieties

Tips & Tricks

Pay close attention to early ripening varieties if you want to grow eggplants in the garden. When growing in the greenhouse, the growing season is not very important. Here you can harvest eggplants until spring.