Apricots - frozen almost as tasty as freshly picked

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
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Apricots are thawed too, very tasty

Apricots - frozen almost as tasty as freshly picked

Every summer, sun-ripened apricots are available in the supermarket. Only then are the yellow drupes cheap and only then they taste deliciously sweet. The aroma of the south, however, can be brought in the winter from the freezer. So you freeze this fruit properly.

Read apricot fruits

Well-ripened apricot fruits have soft flesh and are therefore particularly sensitive to pressure. Quick as one or the other fruit can be damaged. For a long shelf life, only perfect fruits are suitable. Before freezing, sort out any apricots that have the following characteristics:

Core apricots

First, a cleansing water bath is announced. Then the clean fruits along the natural depression are split in half with a sharp knife. The core usually falls out by itself. Rarely he must be carefully removed with the knife from the pulp. The apricot halves should not be damaged if possible.

Apricot halves shock-frozen

The prepared apricot halves should be cooled down very quickly. Many freezers have extra for this process, a Vorfrostfach. Spread the apricot halves in them without touching. If your freezer does not have this useful feature, place the apricot halves on a suitable tray and place it in the chest.

After the apricots are frozen after a few hours, they can also leave the freezer compartment again. Packed in suitable containers they are stored normally with other frozen food.

Freeze blanched apricots

Blanching is recommended if the apricots are to be boiled after thawing. Until freezing, these are just three steps:

    Put the apricot halves in boiling water for one minute. Add a little sugar and citric acid to keep the beautiful color. Pack the cooled and well-drained apricots into suitable freezer containers, which are placed in the freezer immediately after labeling.

The method with the sugar syrup

Apricots that are eaten raw after thawing can also be frozen in sugar syrup. For this a broth of 300 grams of sugar and one liter of water is boiled. The apricots are placed in the still hot syrup. They are filled with the syrup in freezers, but only after the mixture has cooled completely.

Instead of watering the apricots in sugar syrup, you can sprinkle them with plenty of sugar during pre-frying.


If you do not have time to make your own sugar syrup, you can buy it in the supermarket.

Storage and durability

The optimum storage temperature for apricots is minus 18 degrees Celsius. Under this condition, the delicious drupes are still edible for nine months after freezing.

Allow time to thaw

Apricot halves, which are taken from the freezer for raw consumption, should only thaw slowly and gently. First, they come in the fridge for a few hours. After that, they should be left at room temperature for a short time, because they will not develop their full aroma cool.

Use in the frozen state

The long thawing procedure does not have to be when the frozen apricot halves serve as a cake topping or are otherwise overcooked. The fruits can be processed immediately from the freezer in these cases.