Is the burning of Thuja dangerous?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Thuja Occidentalis Homeopathic Medicine | Thuja 30, Thuja 200, Thuja 1m symptoms, uses & Benefits
Video: Thuja Occidentalis Homeopathic Medicine | Thuja 30, Thuja 200, Thuja 1m symptoms, uses & Benefits


In many communities, it is allowed to regularly burn leftovers

Is the burning of Thuja dangerous?

If many shredded trunks fall when you clear a thuja hedge, the gardener asks himself how best to dispose of the trees. In addition to composting and delivery to local collection points, Thuja can also be burned.

Is it allowed to burn Thuja?

Basically, you may burn Thuja if it is allowed in the church at all. In some communities, you can create a garden waste fire once a month.

But keep in mind that the combustion process produces a lot of smoke, especially if the tree of life was beaten recently. This can lead to problems with the neighbors.

Thuja burn despite toxins?

Since Thuja contains many toxins, many gardeners fear that they will be released when burned. This fear is unfounded.

The toxins are essential oils that escape through the heat and are thereby eliminated.

A danger of poisoning by tree of life exists only if you eat parts of the plant.

Tree of life burning in the fireplace or stove

Thuja is quite suitable as wood for fireplaces and stoves. However, you must not burn the leftovers until they are at least two years old. As a result, the wood is deprived of moisture and the fireplace or stove smokes not so strong.

Many fireplace owners rave about the pleasant scent released by the burning of thuja. It is caused by the escape of the essential oils.

Thuja does not burn, but compost?

Thuja you can bring on the compost despite the toxicity. But you should chop the trees before.

Only Thujen residues, which are free from diseases and pests, are composted. Otherwise, spread the pathogens throughout the garden.

Mix thuja compost with other garden waste. Then it rots much faster and the resulting humus is not too sour. You may use it for all garden plants that like a light acid garden soil.


In many places, Easter bonfires are held in spring. There you can deliver the leftovers after consultation with the organizers. It is also possible to bring the Tree of Life waste to the local green waste collection center.