Are Funkia really hardy?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ НА СЛУХ - Freddie Mercury (Фредди Меркьюри)
Video: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ НА СЛУХ - Freddie Mercury (Фредди Меркьюри)


With temperatures of up to -25 ° C, Funkia can cope easily

Are Funkia really hardy?

Their leaves look like they have sprung from a tropical rainforest. Their heyday is short-lived. Nevertheless, the hosta is extremely popular among German gardeners. Is she hardy enough for winter or should she be wintered?

Up to -25 ° C - that's the minimum!

Originally, funchios originate from Japanese forest regions. They tolerate frost with flying colors. In this country they are considered hardy. In unprotected locations most of the funkies can record temperatures down to -20 ° C. In protected locations, they can handle temperatures down to -25 ° C. That is their absolute minimum!

Some Funkien prefer to protect against freezing cold

But not all funcions survive the winter time guaranteed harmless. Newly planted specimens in the fall, should be protected in the first winter, as they had not yet time to root properly. Also, funkies that are in the pot, for example, on the balcony or the roof terrace, require winter protection.

For potted plants a protective layer of fleece as well as a location on the house wall can be helpful. For example, outdoor funerals are protected with the following materials:

The foliage serves as winter protection

Even the own leaves can take over the hibernation of the Funkien. For this you should not cut off the withered leaf dress in autumn. Leave it on the plant. It eventually drops off and covers the root area. Although it is brown and possibly mushy, but it has a frost protection function for the hosta.

Remove old parts of plants after the winter and supply well

When winter time has passed, the funkies look 'old' if you pay no attention to them. Therefore it says:


Funkia need a lot of moisture. Even in winter, the substrate in which they are stuck, should not dry out! Pour sparingly if necessary!