Thuja multiply over cuttings

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Cuttings of Thuja at home most easily with 100% Sure Success
Video: How to Grow Cuttings of Thuja at home most easily with 100% Sure Success


The Thuja can be easily multiplied by cuttings

Thuja multiply over cuttings

Thuja can also be drawn. Whether that is worth it, is another question, since the tree of life is offered relatively inexpensively. If you have a lot of patience and care for a hedge from the tree of life in the garden, it is best to multiply the thuja with cuttings.

Harvest cuttings for the propagation of thuja

For the propagation you do not use cut cuttings, but so-called Risslinge. These are demolished by Thuja in early summer. A small piece of bark must remain on the cutting.

Always wear gloves when tearing off. Thuja is poisonous. The escaping plant juice can lead to inflammation of the skin.

Demolish more cuttings than you actually need. Not all offshoots will make roots. The failure rate can be quite high even with the best care.

Prepare cuttings properly

The suitable location for the cultivation

If you only want to pull a few Thujen yourself, pots or a small greenhouse are ideal. For larger quantities, for example, for a hedge put the cuttings directly to the desired location in the field. Then you do not need to replant the Thujen later.

Pots or greenhouses come to a bright place where about 20 degrees prevail. Do not place them directly in the blazing midday sun.

In the field, the place should be protected from the wind and not too exposed to the sun.

How to care for the cuttings

Put transparent foil or freezer bags over the pots with the cuttings. This protects the earth from dehydration. Ventilate once a day to prevent mold growth.

In a greenhouse, cover the branches with the lid and keep the cuttings well moist but not too wet. In the field you have to make sure that the soil never completely dries up. Protect the young plants from too much sun.

Show new shoots, roots have formed and the tree of life can be transplanted.


The breeding of seeds is of course also possible. However, this method is more time-consuming and it takes longer to get enough large copies. There is also the possibility that another variety of Thuja comes out of it.