Thus, an amaryllis thrives perennial - Overview of the care program

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Look After Your New Amaryllis Bulb
Video: How To Look After Your New Amaryllis Bulb


If the amaryllis is expertly oversaturated, it thrives easily perennial

Thus, an amaryllis thrives perennial - Overview of the care program

Your noble Amaryllis is too good a place to turn off after a single flowering season. In fact, the South American blossom beauty has a floral temperament more than sufficient for perennial cultivation. We will gladly explain how you make your Ritterstern blossom every winter.

Maintain after flowering rather than dispose - That's right

When an amaryllis has finished its winter flower festival, the mighty onion does not think about retiring. Rather, the flowering period flows seamlessly into the summer growth phase. Visible signal is the dense foliage, which supports the budding inside the tuber with nutrients. With this care program you guide your knight star through the summer alive and well:

This uncomplicated care continues until July. In August, the Amaryllis will continue to dwell in its location, while gradually reducing water supply and halting nutrient delivery altogether.

In September and October there is floral silence

Throughout the fall, your knight star will gather fresh energy for the next flowering season. Ideally, the plant spends its respite in dark quarters at temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. The fully retracted leaves cut off now. Water and fertilizer does not get the plant.

To stimulate the new blossom

In November, the phase of regeneration is completed. A vital knight star has now fully rooted its pot, so you repot the onion in fresh substrate. Then the plant moves to a bright location with warm temperatures between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.

A slightly moist substrate signals the amaryllis bulb that the time has come for a fresh shoot. Proportional to the growth of stems and buds, the amount of water is increased. Please do not administer the first fertilizer until the leaves start to thrive.


Wherever an amaryllis is located during its flowering and growing season; Please keep in mind that the plant is not hardy. If the temperatures fall well below 5 degrees Celsius, any hope of the breathtaking blooms disappears.