Cast Cyclamen: Sources of error lurk everywhere

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
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Cyclamen need a lot of water, but tolerate no waterlogging

Cast Cyclamen: Sources of error lurk everywhere

Rotten tubers, early dried flowers, yellow leaves - who pours the cyclamen wrong, will soon have to bear the consequences for his actions. But how do you do it right? How should cyclamen be cast?

Early article cultivating cyclamen: It's not just casting! Next article Cyclamen multiply: Can it be that hard?

The pouring of outdoor cyclamen

Cyclamen, which are outdoors, need less watering. They should receive particular attention during their flowering period. Basically, they only need to be poured in dry seasons and during summer heat.

Pouring Pot Cyclamen

For cyclamen in a pot, the whole thing looks different. Watering is of the utmost importance here. Both in summer (rest period) and in autumn, winter and spring, such cyclamen should be supplied with plenty of water. The strongest they are poured at flowering.

Casting Frequency: Less in winter

The frequency of the casting depends among other things on the location with its incidence of light, its humidity and its heat as well as the substrate. Basically, less water must be poured in winter.

Proper pouring: how does that work?

When casting the cyclamen you should consider the following aspects:

When does casting play a crucial role?

Not only during flowering, casting is significant. Even after planting, repotting, propagating and fertilizing, casting is crucial. Who misses wrong, increases the risk of disease, such as gray horse.

Tips & Tricks

Alternatively, you can dip a cyclamen in the pot into the water. To do this, take the pot and put it briefly in a bowl filled with water. But beware: Do not let the above-ground parts of plants submerge!