The Cyprus grass in hydroponic culture - what should be considered?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hydroponic Fodder Unit in Maharashtra | Customer Testimonial - Sohail Dange , Pune | Ashwin Sawant
Video: Hydroponic Fodder Unit in Maharashtra | Customer Testimonial - Sohail Dange , Pune | Ashwin Sawant


Cyprus grass feels really well in the water

The Cyprus grass in hydroponic culture - what should be considered?

Originally, the Cyprus grass is mainly native to marshes of the tropics and subtropics. It loves the element of water. Why not keep it in this country in hydroponic culture? How it works and what you should pay attention to, read below!

A glass with water, stones and fertilizer

If you want to have it easy, you can buy a Cyprus grass or win an offshoot from an existing plant. A drinking glass is enough to cultivate the Cyprus grass. It should be about 10 to 15 cm high.

Before the Cyprus grass is put into it, a few pebbles are left on the bottom of the glass. Now add water, add a shot of liquid fertilizer and allow the plant to migrate. In the long term, the culture in the glass is not suitable. However, it is well as a gift or to later relocate the plant in a larger vessel.

Other suitable vessels and locations

Further suitable vessels for hydroponic cultivation are aquariums, garden ponds and water jugs. There are no limits to the ideas. Above all, it is important that the location is in a light and warm location. He can also be exposed to the direct sun.

What should be taken care of during care?

If you put your Cyprus grass in the garden pond, you do not need to take care of it. The pond usually contains enough nutrients, so you can tell from a fertilizer. Water is sufficient and a cut is not necessary.

In the case of a culture in a vessel or aquarium, this must be taken into account in the care:

Cyprus grass in the garden pond does not survive the turn of the year

If the Cyprus grass is outside in the garden pond, it will be at the first frost. It is not frost resistant. But you can pick it up in the autumn and overwinter it in the house frost-free. This can z. B. serve an aquarium.


For a culture in the garden pond, it should be noted that the location should be in a shallow water zone (5 to 10 cm). Otherwise rotting threatens.