Successfully hibernating cacti - you should pay attention to this

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Sneaky Jumping Cholla. Cactus Attack!
Video: Sneaky Jumping Cholla. Cactus Attack!


The cactus spend the night in a bright, cool place

Successfully hibernating cacti - you should pay attention to this

In care, cacti rarely demand gardening attention. A wrong overwintering, however, is punished with consistent refusal of flowers. To ensure that your spiky roommates actually plant their buds in winter, important conditions must be observed. This guide explains how to do it right.

Previous article propagating cacti in a pure variety - this is how it is possible with cuttings

This is how cacti survive the delicate winter season

A winter rest period of 3 to 4 months is indispensable for cactuses to blossom in the next year. The succulents are set to follow a cool dry season after a hot summer. By simulating the natural conditions as precisely as possible, you supported this exotic vegetation cycle. This is how it works:

It is important to note that no freshly poured cactus relocates to a cool winter quarter. Under the influence of low temperatures, the substrate does not dry out, resulting in rot and the plant dies. The cooler the winter location, the less light is required. At 7 degrees Celsius, for example, a bright window in the cellar is enough to overwinter cacti undamaged.

Balanced nutrient supply strengthens the resistance

In the course of almost dry overwintering, cactuses consume up to two-thirds of their water and nutrient reserves. In order to get through this strain well, regular fertilization in the summer effectively contributes. Give liquid cactus fertilizer every second watering from May to September. The plants are well prepared for the cold season.


For hardy cactuses in the bed permanent wetness as a result of rain and snowfall is a problem. For these species to prove their frost hardiness, they should be equipped with a rain cover. Just a simple frame of wooden pegs and translucent greenhouse film is enough to successfully overwinter the exotic outdoor cacti.