The star jasmine - in the foreground is the care

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
May Release Live Reveal Party Day 1
Video: May Release Live Reveal Party Day 1


The star jasmine does not need much water

The star jasmine - in the foreground is the care

Its flowers are delicate and its scent is intoxicating. Although the star jasmine is considered to be badly hardy, it is often planted. But without the right amount of care this will not last long ...

What should be considered when casting?

The star jasmine has no high water requirement. Therefore, it is enough to pour it moderately. It is important to pour less than too much, because he quickly resents wetness. Basically, you should avoid that the earth dries out. This is especially true in a - usually usual - bucket culture.

Why and how should one fertilize this plant?

For a rich flowering flora, regular fertilization is recommended:

When and how do you cut the star jasmine?

This is to be considered when cutting:

Should I overwinter this plant?

Since the star jasmine is not hardy, it should be wintered. Although he can sometimes tolerate temperatures down to -10 ° C. But you should not challenge this temperature minimum. Often the shoots freeze.

Therefore, you should overwinter your Star Jasmine indoors if you have planted it in a bucket. It will be put in October. Important is a bright (because evergreen) and cool place (to inhibit growth). Never fertilize the plant during the winter season!

Are there any specific pests that can occur?

The star jasmine is poisonous, does not care pests. They are immune to its toxins. Among others, infestations of the following pests can occur:

How to repackage?

Every 1 to 2 years it makes sense to repot the star jasmine. Follow this procedure in the spring before flowering. All you have to do is put this climbing plant in a slightly larger pot in a fresh potting soil.


In the spring, get the star jasmine slowly back to the direct sun to avoid sunburn.