The dwarf bamboo in the bucket - what do you have to consider?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Melick & Boogy Rankss - Take Bamboo (Official Visualizer) | Dutty Dutty Riddim | 2022 Soca
Video: Melick & Boogy Rankss - Take Bamboo (Official Visualizer) | Dutty Dutty Riddim | 2022 Soca


Dwarf bamboo is better than normal bamboo for rearing in a bucket

The dwarf bamboo in the bucket - what do you have to consider?

A bamboo can reach a tremendous extent. Growth heights of 10 m are not uncommon. Those who would like to have such a plant on the balcony or the terrace should, however, opt for a miniature bamboo.

For which location is a dwarf bamboo in the bucket suitable?

First, you should plant your dwarf bamboo in a suitable container. Square pots are recommended, as the root system has more space there than in a round pail. At the bottom of the bucket a drainage layer is important, for example made of gravel. As soil sufficient normal potting soil.

Depending on the variety, place your dwarf bamboo in a bucket in a sunny or partially shaded spot. Some varieties even tolerate shade. Basically, a place in the living room is rather discouraged. More suitable are sites on the balcony or terrace.

Pouring and fertilizing

A dwarf bamboo in a bucket can not handle dryness. Even heat sets him fast, if the water balance is not right. Therefore, you should water the plant in the bucket regularly. Note this:

While a dwarf bamboo in the field does not necessarily have to be fertilized every year, in a bucket attitude a fertilizer is essential. It is important to fertilize sparingly. Suitable are long-term fertilizer or special bamboo fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers are given about every 2 to 3 weeks.

Overwintering - necessary?

Standing in the tub and the winter outside without shelter, the dwarf bamboo would freeze to death. Therefore, you should either wrap it with fleece, put it on polystyrene or wood and relocate the site to a sheltered wall or you can overwinter the dwarf bamboo inside. Temperatures between 3 and 10 ° C are ideal for indoor wintering.

Repot - how often and when?

After the winter, the perfect time has come to repot the dwarf bamboo. Such an action is recommended every year. The new bucket should be twice as big as the old bucket. This is important so that the roots do not break the bucket with their strong propagation urge.


Before budding in spring, you can cut back your dwarf bamboo. Do not worry: he can handle a radical cut himself.