Is the hydrangea really poisonous for cats?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
25 Plants Toxic to Cats you Need to Know!
Video: 25 Plants Toxic to Cats you Need to Know!


Is the hydrangea really poisonous for cats?

Hydrangeas are among the most popular flowering garden plants and thrive in numerous green areas. The owners of free-range cats fear again and again that the animals could eat from the pretty flower bushes and thereby poison themselves, since the plant is poisonous.

Hydrangeas are only mildly toxic to cats

Although the hydrangea is poisonous to cats and dogs, you do not have to worry about having your four-legged friend suffer serious consequences when eating from the plant. Only in large quantities does the hydrangea benefit to gastrointestinal problems and the animal vomits or gets diarrhea. The stool can also be mixed with blood. The animal is weakened and trembling due to the gastrointestinal disease.

Greater toxic effects are not known in veterinary medicine. However, if you suspect poisoning, you should introduce your cat to the veterinarian who will administer appropriate medication if necessary.

Tips & Tricks

While free-range animals have the opportunity to eat grass to get rid of bothersome hairballs and therefore avoid poisonous plants, tiger tigers frequently nibble on the erected hydrangea. If you offer your cat a special cat grass, it will leave your house plants alone.