Use scissors correctly - cut Skimmie

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: How to remove rivets the easy way.


The Skimmie should be cut just before or during flowering

Use scissors correctly - cut Skimmie

While the Skimmia can grow in their original home up to 7 m high, they reached in this country just once a maximum height of 1.50 m. Nevertheless, she can take a cut now and then. But beware of the entry-level errors!

Previous article Skimmie: Only with the right care it will be something! Next article Skimmie: Yellow leaves, a sign that something is wrong

Cut during or shortly after flowering

Generally the Skimmie should always be cut during or shortly after flowering. This is the case in May / June. During flowering, the advantage is that you can easily see which specimens are male and which are female. But why is that important?

Do not remove female flowers

In the Skimmia there are male and female plants. The female specimens form the decorative fruits in autumn. But in order for this can develop, the female flowers must not be cut off. Only the male inflorescences can / should be removed.

The female flowers of Skimmie are easily distinguished from the male flowers. In contrast to the male flowers, which smell intensely sweet, the female flowers hardly have a smell.

Better just make it and not radically cut back

A radical pruning should not be done at Skimmie.On the other hand, it is advisable to prick or trim them occasionally. The reason: It grows very slow at 5 to 15 cm per year. Due to this low growth rate, a cut is rarely required.

The Auslichten causes a denser growth. The cutting away of old shoots prevents the Skimmie verkaltert from the age from below. In addition, should be removed disturbing side shoots (at the base). A shape cut is not necessary.

Increase immediately with the cutting

At the same time you can multiply the Skimmie with cuttings. However, do not use shoots with yellow leaves because they are weakened and may be sick. The shoots for the cuttings propagation should be half-ripe.

How to proceed:


The Skimmie is poisonous! As a precaution, wear gardening gloves when cutting!