This is how paprika can be dried and ground

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Complete Guide on How to Oven Dry & Store Hot Peppers: Cayenne, Facing Heaven and Jalapenos
Video: A Complete Guide on How to Oven Dry & Store Hot Peppers: Cayenne, Facing Heaven and Jalapenos


This is how paprika can be dried and ground

Daily ripe peppers, hot peppers and chilies in the garden? Too many to use fresh. Where to go with the pods? What could be better than drying and grinding them?

Dry method for thick-meaty and thin-meated peppers:

Dickfleischige peppers are only in the oven, drying oven or dehydrator dry. Thin-fleshed chillies like Cayenne are also suitable for air drying. Each drying method extracts a lot of water from the pods and reduces bacteria and microorganisms. Paprika are conserved and prepared for grinding into chili powder or crushing into a coarse pizza tapper.

Thin-meated types of peppers for air drying

Thick-meated types of peppers for ovens, drying ovens or dehydrators

Dry peppers in the air

Pull chili pods on a stick with a needle on a string, and hang like a clothesline. Then in a warm shade at 15 ° C let the peppers dry on the open roof window.
In chili countries such as Hungary or Mexico, peppers still dry traditionally with braided chains - Ristra tas - hanging on the wall of the house. Drying takes 3 to 6 weeks.

Dry the paprika in the dehydrator

Thicker meat varieties dry best in an electric dehydrator. From below, hot air blows upwards through the sieve trays. This water is removed from the chilies. It smells in the whole house. Attention! When sharpened paprika sometimes even tears. Depending on the device and the type of chili, drying can take eight hours. If the dried pods are chilled, immediately place in an airtight tin.

Grind paprika into powder

For milder paprika or chilli powder before harvesting, remove stems, goblets and seed kernels from the pods. Then remove. Then grind the pods into powder in an electric coffee grinder. Or pound with a mortar to coarse pizza patty.

Tips & Tricks

To conserve peppers, you can put them in vinegar or oil. Or dry, grind and use as a spice. Pickled peppers are an accompaniment to meat at a barbecue party or as an appetizer.