The best 3 ways to dry lemon balm

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Cut and Dry Lemon Balm
Video: How to Cut and Dry Lemon Balm


The best 3 ways to dry lemon balm

A lovingly tended Melisee delivers up to four crops per season. Who can not consume these lush quantities of aromatic leaves in one fell swoop, should preserve them. How the plan succeeds simply by drying, learn here.

It depends on these preparatory work

Regardless of the favored drying method, the Melisee should be prepared properly. As it always loses its aroma when dried, it effectively counteracts this shortcoming with the following preparatory work:

The harvested branches are rinsed under running, cold water. Damaged plant parts are carefully sorted out. Then spread the melissa on a kitchen towel, where it dries for 1 day.

How to dry lemon balm in the air

Drying herbs in the air is one of the classic methods in the hobby garden. The advantages are obvious, because the procedure is straightforward and free. This is how lemon balm is dried:

The small bouquets thread on a string or a wire. Suspended in the rain-protected, dark place, the Melisee dries within 14 days. During this time, inspect the fragrant bunches to sort out moldy specimens immediately.

So Melisee is dried in the oven

If you prefer to have your lemon balm dried from one day to the next, you will need to bake the oven. The prepared branches spread on a baking sheet so that they do not touch. Somewhat more space-saving, the process takes place when the leaves are picked and distributed individually. Proceed as follows:

Your healthy supply of the versatile spice and medicinal plant is stored in dark, airtight containers.

Lemon balm can be dried quickly in the dehydrator

Dried lemon balm has a reputation for lacking in aroma. This claim can not be completely dismissed, given the long-lasting drying process. With a dehydrator, this phase can be shortened significantly to a few hours. This is accompanied by a noticeably less loss of aroma. How to do it right:

After 6 to 8 hours, the rich leaves are dried to rustle. You can force the process by turning the lemon balm now and then. Do not be tempted to raise the temperature control. Although the drying proceeds more quickly, the flavor loss increases proportionally in proportion.

Tips & Tricks

Does the wait get on your nerves until the harvest has dried? Then brew a lemon balm tea. Even Hildegard von Bingen swore by a calming effect. Just put 3 teaspoons of leaves in a cup and pour in a quarter liter of boiling water. Let it rest for 10 minutes, strain and enjoy.