Various methods for removing a tree stump

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Possibly The Easiest Way To Remove A Tree Stump! Using Epsom Salt!! Part 1
Video: Possibly The Easiest Way To Remove A Tree Stump! Using Epsom Salt!! Part 1


Digging out a stump is very laborious

Various methods for removing a tree stump

For a very large tree, it is recommended that cases do not make themselves. Instead, you hire a specialist firm with this task, which can then also do the tree root removal right away. With old tree stumps or those of smaller, self-felled trees, the question quickly arises: how can the underground monster best be pulled out of the ground? One thing is certain: It does not work without major physical effort, and you also need the pase tool.

Accelerate rotting process

You can save the effort by simply rotting the tree stump. It can be helped with some tricks. However, depending on the size and type of wood, the stump will still take a few years to crumble so that you can easily remove the pieces by hand. If you have the patience, then you should do the following:

With a bit of luck, the tree stump may be so rotten after just one or two years that you can simply chop it into small pieces with an ax and remove it. However, the tree root remains in the soil with this method - unless you go to the trouble, dig up the root area and pull out the roots.

Excavate tree stump with tree root

If you want to remove the tree stump more quickly and also want to eliminate the tree root as well, follow this method:

Of course, not all roots can be removed - depending on the age and size of the tree they can reach many meters in width and also in depth. Also, the method described is suitable for rather small trees with a trunk diameter of up to 30 centimeters and rather shallow roots (such as a cypress, pine or spruce).

Remove tree stump at ground level

With the help of a so-called stump grinder, you can the tree stump at ground level - d. H. on a line with the ground - cut to size. The underground roots remain in this method in the ground.

Not advisable: burn out the stump

In forums, it is often advised to simply burn out the tree stump by filling a hole of kerosene and saltpetre (sodium nitrate) or fuel paste and diesel into a well and eventually set it on fire. This creates a smoldering fire, which can not be kept under control - in the worst case, an underground fire, which can come to the surface many hundreds of meters further on the surface. In addition, the combustion takes place in many cases only very irregular, so that hard rotten charcoal remains. Ergo is discouraged from using this method, however enticing it seems at first sight.


Instead of laboriously removing the tree stump and its roots, you can simply leave it in the ground and leave it in the garden as a decorative element. So a stump is very good for planting, but you can also turn it into a rustic table or carve a work of art out of it.