Did you know? Giersch is healthy!

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Helena Grace
Video: Helena Grace


Giersch has many positive effects on our digestive system

Did you know? Giersch is healthy!

The majority of gardeners and plant friends know the greed only as annoying weeds, which it is necessary to fight. But old herbal books call Giersch also Zipperleinkraut. This refers to its healing power.

How Giersch affects the body

Giersch has many positive ingredients to evaluate. In particular, the content of vitamin C, iron and potassium stand out. With these nutrients, but also with other minerals, trace elements and phytochemicals, Giersch acts:

So you can use the greed, if you prefer to focus on naturopathy than conventional medicine, for example, in diseases that underlie inflammation. Among other things, the herb helps against rheumatism, gout and arthritis. Also constipation and urinary tract inflammation can be alleviated with Giersch.

To incorporate the active ingredients while eating

It is convenient if one collects the yaw and eats it to incorporate its active ingredients. This herb is edible and even tasty. Both raw and cooked, Giersch tastes spicy and aromatic. Its leaves are usually preferred to the flowers and fruits for eating.

Whether you are preparing a salad with the yuck, stewed it as a spinach to potatoes, give it in smoothies or otherwise use - that is up to your taste! Keep in mind, however, that the vitamin C content decreases rapidly when heated above 40 ° C.

Gierschee - so do it!

Other uses: envelopes, pads, ointments

Anyone who wants to alleviate wounds, insect bites, tension, gout and rheumatism with Giersch should apply the plant externally, for example, as an envelope or ointment. In insect bites, it has been proven to crush the fresh herb and rub on the sting.


If you are not doing the right thing when collecting, it can happen that you mistaken the yaw with another plant. Attention: There are several poisonous plants that look similar to greed.