Japanese maple - easy propagation over cuttings

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Propagate Japanese Maple from Cuttings (Step by step)
Video: Propagate Japanese Maple from Cuttings (Step by step)


The best time to cut cuttings for Japanese Maple growth is spring

Japanese maple - easy propagation over cuttings

The Japanese maple - which includes various species, such as Japanese fan maple - is cultivated not only in the Far East, but also in this country like in gardens or pots. The distinctive, mostly small woody plants with their filigree foliage and the impressive autumn colors are not exactly cheap to buy. Fortunately, Japanahorns are quite easy to propagate over cuttings.

Choose soft cuttings

The optimal time for the cuttings propagation is the late spring or the early summer, when the fresh shoots of the mother tree are not yet mature. For the propagation of the Japanese maple soft, possibly slightly woody branches are best, which is why the weeks between the end of May and the end of June are the ideal period for this project. Proceed as follows:

The cuttings will be rooted within about eight weeks and then ripe for repotting.

Plant young Japanese maples in the following spring

Provided you have cut the cuttings early enough and the rooting is done quickly, you can then plant the young plant right into the garden. But then it should get a good protection over the winter. It is better, however, to overwinter the cuttings cool, but frost-free and to plant only in the following spring. At this time, the plant was able to form sufficiently strong and strong roots, which can now quickly gain a foothold in the garden soil (or in a larger bucket).


Cuttings are also ideal for using as the basis for raising a bonsai. Especially suitable for this are the dwarf varieties of the Japanese Maple.