Fight greed with potatoes or eat

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Creed Eats a Potato - The Office
Video: Creed Eats a Potato - The Office


Those who plant potatoes do not have to worry about giersch

Fight greed with potatoes or eat

Giersch is the one joy and the other suffering. The one gardener hate him, as he proliferates without finding an end. The other gardeners appreciate his healing powers and like his good taste of many dishes. Either way - potatoes go well with him!

How do potatoes affect the weeds?

Giersch you can fight with potatoes, inasmuch as you have this weed in your own garden and find it disturbing. Potatoes have long been known by many gardeners as weed suppressants. Even with the yaw, they can be very helpful if he proliferates unsolicited.

Why does it work? The reason is the good assertiveness of the potatoes and the flexibility of the yaw. The potatoes shade the ground with their large and dense foliage. They act as groundcover and take the light out of greed. In addition, they rob the weeds of water and nutrients from the soil.

To make sure the yaw is beaten soon, you should do the following with potatoes:

Collect the yuck and eat - together with potatoes!

That you can eat the greed, know the least. He can serve not only as food for the poor, but also as a new, interesting culinary specialty. Both the young and the older leaves, flowers and fruits are suitable for this.

Harmoniously, greed and potatoes fit together. The reason: Giersch reminds raw in the taste of parsley and carrots. Giert tastes like cooked spinach. Both variants go well with boiled potatoes. The plant is not only delicious, but also healthy!

Here are some ideas for yaw with potatoes:


In addition to potatoes, lady's mantle and cranesbill can also put a stop to greed in the garden.