Lemongrass by drying long lasting

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
lemongrass -how to dry and store
Video: lemongrass -how to dry and store


Lemongrass by drying long lasting

Asian and especially Thai dishes give lemongrass a wonderfully smooth lemon flavor. Since fresh lemongrass is not always available on the market, it is worth cultivating the fine Asian spice yourself and preserving it by drying it.

Preparation for drying

Unlike purchased lemon grass, which is often already divided into individual stalks, you must prepare your own harvested lemongrass for drying.

You can crush the lemongrass coarsely or dry it in the whole stalk. From the dried green parts can prepare a delicious tea, which also has healing powers.

Lemongrass darren

Tape the lemongrass stalks to a loosely bunch. Hang the spice in a warm, dry room until the lemongrass is completely dry.

Just as well lemongrass can be dried in the oven. So that the essential oils do not evaporate, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. Spread the lemongrass stems on a baking sheet that you cover with a gauze cloth. So also from below air comes to the spice and the compact stalks dry more evenly. Keep the oven door open ajar with a wooden spoon.

Even more gentle and easier to dry in a special Dehydrator. Use the lowest temperature setting with this device to preserve the fine aroma of lemongrass.

Powder dried lemongrass

Grind the completely dried lemongrass pieces in a mortar into a fine powder. Alternatively, you can chop the stems in the blender. Then fill the spice into tight-fitting, tinted containers.

The great aroma of the lemon grass unfolds only when it comes in contact with moisture. Therefore, first stir the powder with a little water and season the dish with this mixture.

Tips & Tricks

If you use dried lemon grass that has not been powdered, you should put the spice in a disposable bag and cook it in the food. So you can easily remove the teeth pieces of the spice before serving the food.