Give cucumbers mildew no chance!

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 June 2024
Easy, Inexpensive Powdery Mildew Spray for Squash & Cucumbers, Prune Leaves to Keep Production Going
Video: Easy, Inexpensive Powdery Mildew Spray for Squash & Cucumbers, Prune Leaves to Keep Production Going


Give cucumbers mildew no chance!

Pure gardening, when in summer the first cucumbers can finally be harvested. But beware! Often joy suddenly becomes rage when cucumber leaves appear white, flour-like spots or a gray coating. Mildew - the dreaded cucumber disease - how to get rid of it quickly and permanently?

What is the cause of mildew on cucumber leaves?

The pathogen is a fungus. Both the real and the downy mildew usually occur at the end of July and attack cucumber plants in the field as well as in the greenhouse.

Powdery mildew threatens the cucumber plants in summer dry weather. It is found on the leaf surfaces as floury-white mushroom grass. Within a short time, the leaves will become browned and dehydrated and the cucumber plants will die.
Downy mildew spreads in wet weather, rain and depending on the type of fungus, at temperatures of 10 ° to 18 ° degrees. He covers the underside of the cucumber leaves with a purple-gray spore lawn. Within a few days, the cucumber leaves turn yellow and die from the edge.

Although it does not rain in the greenhouse, the downy mildew also spreads when the humidity is too high. Therefore, ventilate the greenhouse well both during the day and at night.

Cucumbers effectively prevent mildew

The safest way to prevent cucumber mildew: Only grow mildew-resistant F1 hybrids cucumbers such as:

Cucumbers fight mildew - the most effective home remedies

Harvesting cucumbers without mildew can be both preventive and effective in saving cucumber plants with these formulas:

Thin skimmed milk 1: 6 with rainwater. Spray once a week over the leaves and pour the cucumber plants.
Dilute stinging nettle 1:10. Spray cucumber plants on infestation. Otherwise, pour regularly with it. This strengthens the plants and makes them more resistant. In addition, the slurry also acts as a green cucumber fertilizer.
Sakhalin-Knotweed acts as an infusion against cucumber mildew. To do this, pour 10 g of dried leaves with 1 liter of hot water and leave for a few hours. Pour the cucumber plants and spray them

A proven secret recipe of many recreational gardeners against cucumber mildew is this baking powder rapeseed oil recipe:

Dissolve baking powder in 5 liters of lukewarm water and then add rapeseed oil and detergent. Cucumber plants every 2 weeks over a period of 3 months preventively spray it in the evening.

Tips & Tricks

After four years at the earliest, grow cucumber plants again at the same location so that they do not become infected with fungi whose mycelium and spores hibernate in the soil!