The most beautiful summer lilac varieties

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Top 5 Most Beautiful Lilacs |
Video: Top 5 Most Beautiful Lilacs |


The summer lilac Pink Delight is, as the name implies, pink

The most beautiful summer lilac varieties

Summer lilac is of course not the same as summer lilac: There are several species, of which Buddleja davidii and the Chinese summer lilac (Buddleja alternifolia) can be found in German gardens. There are also about 100 more variations, which are not all hardy. These include, for example, the ball-summer lilac (Buddleja globosa) and the yellow summer lilac (Buddleja x weyeriana).

The most beautiful varieties of Buddleja davidii

Buddleja davidii is a very vigorous summer lilac that grows between 30 and 150 centimeters per year under appropriate conditions and depending on the variety. Among its numerous varieties are flower colors in white, purple, purple blue, light blue or pink. The strongly fragrant flowers are arranged on up to 30 centimeters long, depending on the sort upright or over-inclined, vielblumigen panicles. These develop at the ends of the branches in July to September.

Robust and easy-care: Chinese summer lilac (Buddleja alternifolia)

The Chinese or changeable summer lilac is a very vigorous, up to four feet high and as wide-spreading species. The shrub develops long, thin, wide-spreading and overhanging branches and is best seen on masonry crowns and in large planters to advantage. In June / July, lilapurpurne, herbaceous blooms in numerous, about four to five centimeters wide clumps on the whole length of the previous year's branches. The Chinese summer lilac can be well combined with roses or other summer flowering small shrubs such as bearded flowers (Caryopteris), blue laurels or silver shrub (Perovskia) or finger shrubs (Potentilla). He prefers a sunny and dry location.


Although summer lilac prefers a rather dry and well-drained soil, it does tolerate a good bucket of ripe compost when planted.